Walking and waiting for something new and unknown. Walking tall and not giving way to strong winds and headstorms that previously toppled me over
Maintaining the smile intended and the spirit renewed is noticed upon my frame and i must say it is a joyous occasion. I knew the day would come, just had to weather the storm
In compliance to the Law of Attraction, I breath new life into existence and readily embrace the love I deserve from a life once not realized
Desire is only good if coupled with faith and determination for without that trinity the end result may not be as a glorious
Sing me a song that reminds me of times before now when all seemed effortless and ownership of good things seemed more possible. Regardless of the circumstance, I will not claim struggle but I will relish it until I bear the fruit that is mine
I now go through life with my spiritual checklist intact and know I have not forgotten anything for my long awaited travel
I depart the old me and sit inside my spiritual vehicle happily awaiting my destination which awaits me; where all of life is an abundance of greatness
Dear Lord Jesus, I am yours and I am ready. I have prepared and I shall not fail. You are my Savior and I give you the glory. Thank you for what you have brought me through because it has enabled me to arrive where I am now
All things in nature are of you and therefore must be calculated and kept close ensuring the seeds of love are spread throughout. I no longer have to envision myself as something or someone else because you have opened my eyes to the truth of life
No more facades, no more worries, no more of life's "wants" because all I have is within me and has always been....just was to blind to see
Acceptance was the first step from an unrealized life which has now become realized
I step daily into the footprints you have laid in my path and know they are leading me in the direction you shall have me go. If we all followed that path I just imagine where we would all be. We would all arrive to the same point in time where life would be just that...L.I.F.E. otherwise known as Love Is Fruitful & Everlasting
Change as man knows it, is the only constant and I am ready for that change to become internal and exude into the cosmos where stillness has become my guide and purposeful action the result of it
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