Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Ever wonder what's your purpose or if there is actually one designed specifically for you?  Ever relinquish control to the great design to which all infrastructure's foundations rests upon?  

To awaken with an eye in the present and one lost in that blank unknown space lends to a unique question.....what is the meaning of.....?

A conscious spirit is directed toward an opportunistic set of events that can set the wheels in motion to not only create questions but to define them.  Our lives are created to begin and end with a life cycle which may not be understood but the chase is ever so important.

All of life is explained yet unexplained through variations of epiphany's, deja vu's, secrets, quandary's and phenomena to which we do our very best to isolate, package and box them up nicely so they are better understood.

The greatest service to do for oneself is to serve others and in doing so your divine purpose will become more evident.  We all want to be rich but most are unsure how to categorize such a powerful word 

Is there such a realization as destiny? That belief would only mean the absolute loss of control and that is a steep cliff which most fall off of.  In order to reach utopia, control must become that thing spoken of in song..."I got 99 problems but control ain't one"....if you can understand that

Just as there is a head and tail, good and evil or even dark and light, so must it be understood that destiny is relative to the decision made or ones already made from one day to the next.  

Whether to believe or not to believe is not the question.  The real question is and will always remain: what will you do to create the destiny or fate by which you want your purpose defined

If you are religious do not just rely on the phrase "I'll just give it to the Lord".  If you're pessimistic, do not rely on the world to control your next move readying yourself to shoot the arrow of blame.  If you're scientific, do not look only for contradictions to the unexplained based on your idea of rationality.  Regardless of what your stance is concerning life or the thought process behind it, realize that there must be action behind every thought brought forth and nothing will ever just appear unless acted upon.  Even the Law of Least Effort requires some form of action.....

Destiny is a curved road that does not give way to see its ending although it provides enough to keep you traveling.  Destiny is the fruit of labor sewn by committed action in whatever direction chosen.  Destiny can be your best friend or your worst enemy and for each of us, we must understand the truth of our intent if we are to understand where we are in relation to it

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