After such long strides taken in this life I look back on the journey in awe and think lovely thoughts
Each stride has brought me one step closer to the point in time my origination has ultimately saved a place for me
Neither dark nor stormy days and nights have disillusioned me from the fact God's grace is in abundance and that remaining thought is all I need to persevere
The elevation of each mental cell is not only a constant upgrade by Him but it is also a remembrance of the glory bestowed upon me
To share in His glory with the rib divinely chosen is my purpose and her arrival is evident. It is evident in my speech, in every created thought and in all reenactments of love displayed
God has uplifted and proclaimed my presence significant in His plans to spread the Word throughout the masses of which I solemnly accept and embrace
Being a babe in the glory of Christ is a wonderful thing because it lends to the opportunity of un-blanketed eyes and a clear mind of which to fill with genuine thoughts of love, renewed faith and prosperity
The help mate chosen by Him is a wonderful soul straight from the motherland where we all derive. That fact makes the union more pronounced, strong and loving as witnessed through her charity, fellowship and dedication to God's word
Being now three decades and seven years, wisdom has been introduced in a manner that allows previous years to become erased and replaced with a rejuvenation and unyielding desire deep within to follow the Spirit where it will have me go
I long for the day of reckoning when I shall unite with my rib and be elevated within our celestial bodies to exemplify the intended pre-determined purpose.
Thank you God for renewed clarity, new vision, sense of purpose and the "one" that is truly intended to walk by my side through this journey under your guidance
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