Stupid is as stupid does and the moment your mouth opened you proved just that. You should have not had the thought that created the voice which now is flowing from the dried lips it originated from
Looking into the dictionary I stumble upon an unfamiliar term; abjure. This is a term very closely associated to your thought processes which simply means: to abstain from or avoid
I try my best to dodge the rhythmless merge of incomplete sentences and absent intellect but they stab me with the force of 10,000 dumb knives with very dull blades...yes they are painful
The foul odor of ignorance plagues your dusted, worn brown shoes and rolls up into the cuff of your pant legs covering those bony pegs which are attached to that doughnut-filled belly that is just below your saggy breasts which droop under that thing that houses very limited information. Yes, that resting spot you call a brain, please open it up, air it out and remember to use it every once in awhile.
Just a few things to remember:
1. We do not like to stay late because you have no life
2. We are tired of working so hard and getting little recognition
3. Stop eating all the damn doughnuts
4. Please brush your teeth before thinking we like conversation an inch from our face
5. Think Think Think way before you decide to use OUR bathroom after a meal at the taco's just not cool's just not cool
Now, we most likely will never be friends due to the reasons stated above but you will most certainly earn our respect if you take into consideration these things we deem important. If you choose not to adhere, these are examples of what you may find:
1. Your computer files have been mysteriously deleted and your paperwork shredded
2. Your coffee...well, you've seen those shows so I really don't have to go into detail
3. The video of the hooker you were with last weekend; yes, that will end up on YouTube
4. Your chair smeared with glue to keep you still for an hour so we aren't forced to smell your breath
5. No tissue in the bathroom so after the taco truck you have no place to run to for that quick release
Somewhere in your idiot house (your brain), you have the power to change all that is facing you. We believe in you. We believe you are not the idiot you are portraying yourself to be and we will not believe that you were actually born this way. We realize it is a dysfunction created sometime between your conception and this present day but only you have the power to sift through your idiot house and find the will to be........................The World's Greatest Boss
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