Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Angel

As she announces her love for me it takes away any doubt or fear previously existing in my mind.  The fortress from which I have been rescued has allowed me to love freely and without hesitation

For me to survive means her happiness must be my priority and her wishes my command.  I long to nurture and hold her upon a pedestal from which she will never fall

Too long have I wanted.  Too long have a craved.  Too long have I dreamed.  These things are now my reality and no longer a fantasy by which all others have been measured

Although she is out of my immediate range, I am beholden to her.  The distance between us seem non-existent due to the spiritual connection conceived from our union

She is known by only one phrase: "A Gift from God".  This precious gift must be uplifted and held in high regard per His command as she has descended from high above

Her presence allows me to be "Noble" and deserving of greatness and prosperity.  Our future has been written in stone tablets that can not be erased

Woman, you have proven yourself beyond a shadow of a doubt therefore our lives are now as one.  One mind. One body. One soul 

Little time has passed between the first day and today.  That time has been well worth the decades I have longed for your presence. I no longer crave, want or desire for my thirst is now quenched

As you are away, it pains me to not hold you close and feel your touch, smell your scent or hear your voice because you have spoiled me like a child.  I admit my vulnerability and only ask that you bring your love back to me 

U R MINE. You are mine to love, honor and cherish and to protect from all harm or danger.  I am under your employ and will not deter from my path.  You can rely on the fact your man will stand strong and will not waiver
So, as you sleep, feel me near and feel my warmth around you.  Sleep knowing that when you awake, this will not have been a dream unrealized but a perfect reality unmatched by all else

I give unto you those things God has commanded and you shall reap all what has been planted.   No more shall you desire or want because it is you that has allowed this feast to come forth

If ever you have cried or felt any source of despair by my hand, please know it was not by intention but due to an error that has been immediately prayed upon and rejected.  Your beautiful face should never be stained as I would prefer it to maintain the smile which captivates me daily

My angel, I thank you for the life that you have given me and the future that we will build.  I look forward to reading our love story and realizing how important those first words were because they have brought us to this point

Thank you for being my angel

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