Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The sound of a tree falling when no one is around is similar to the
beating of a broken heart; No one else hears it but the noise it creates
is terrifying.

If you do what you've always done, you'll be who you always are.

Variety is the spice of life.

Keep your head held high no matter what storm comes your way.

Save one laugh for the end of the day; it makes sleeping so much easier.

Put something aside for a rainy day.

Be aware of the strength of your words; they can move mountains.

Be spiritually aware that life is bigger than the space you stand in.

When it's time, party like it's 1999 and don't regret a single minute of

Self preservation comes first; if you can not take care of self, you
cannot take care of others.

Set a goal and attain it; the satisfaction is nothing less than gratifying.

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